New sessions in Extremadura arround ESSENCE project
The ESSENCE pilot project has carried out several training sessions during this month in the different localities of Extremadura. In these sessions, Fundesalud has shown how the teleassistance tool works for the senior 60 participants in the project. Looking ahead to February, more sessions will be held together with the partners of the Polytechnic University of Milan, in which the smart pen will be presented.
Discover more about FUNDESALUD:
FundeSalud is a Foundation of the Public Health System of Extremadura attached to the Regional Ministry of Health and Social Policies of Extremadura. Its aims include the promotion of R + D + i in the field of health, and the promotion of scientific and health advances, through the dissemination of its results by appropriate means, and the transfer of knowledge and results among the agents of the environment of R + D + i in health.