In June 2022, 19 partners from Europe gathered in Denmark to kick off the European Platform for Professional Excellence in Healthcare (EUVECA) project. Funded by the Erasmus+ program, EUVECA will unfold over 4 years.
The aging of the population, the increase in chronic diseases, the digitalization of the healthcare system, and the increasing environmental awareness are some of the concerns that gave rise to the main goal of this new project.
EUVECA is therefore designed to support the necessary innovation and development of the healthcare sector to ensure that healthcare professionals acquire the relevant competencies to meet the aforementioned challenges.
What are the main goals of the EUVECA project?
The project’s aims include:
- contribute to the sustainability of the European healthcare system via better planning of skill needs as well as enhanced training of present and future healthcare professionals,
- increase the quality and appeal of vocational training and lifelong learning within the European healthcare sector
- improve and ensure long-term sustainable collaboration within higher health education and vocational educational training
How will EUVECA accomplish the 3 main goals?
With these objectives in mind, EUVECA partners are working together to create 7 Regional Hubs of Professional Excellence in different European cities where current and new healthcare professionals will acquire the necessary skills to ensure the sustainability of the sector. Likewise, the partners intend to form a European Platform of Professional Excellence. The platform will bring together the regional hubs and serve as a meeting-and-coordination point among them and with other relevant organizations.
The EUVECA project will focus on the following topics:
- digital skills
- communication skills
- patient involvement skills and health literacy
- interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaboration skills,
- multidisciplinary skills and innovation skills
Where will ECHAlliance play a role?
ECHAlliance is leading strategy and sustainability efforts to ensure the long-term results of the project. For us, this project represents an important step in integrating a new component in the ecosystem model: continuous and lifelong professional development.

We look forward to working on EUVECA sustainability and coordinating with our ecosystems to participate in this amazing opportunity!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Juliana Ascolani ( or Natalia Allegretti (
Follow the conversation in EUVECA Twitter here