At the end of June, Cáritas Coimbra saw the project ACTIVAS approved, financed by Portugal 2020. This project integrates others from the Portuguese Network on Smart, Healthy and Age-Friendly Environments, of which Cáritas Coimbra is the coordinator, in partnership with the Coimbra Nursing School (ESEnfC).
This new initiative aims to promote Built Environments for an Active, Safe and Healthy Life, constituting a disruptive and diversified response to the challenges addressed by the ageing population, in terms of the environment and infrastructure through new Products, Processes and Services.
The ACTIVAS project, led by the company KENTRA Technologies, mobilizes a consortium of 12 business and 8 non-business entities from the Habitat, ITCE (Information Technology, Communication and Electronics) and Health (companies, clusters, universities and technological centres, among others) value chains, with the purpose of adding critical scientific and technological capacities and competences with high added value that, in partnership and cooperation, will allow the generation of new knowledge with high technological and innovation content and with significant impacts at the multisectoral and regional level.