We are pleased to inform you that 13 Thematic Workshops have been awarded by the WE4AHA project. They will take place online during October and November.
All the thematic workshops are open and please do not hesitate to forward the invitation to your contacts who might be interested.
Registration is now open for all workshops.
Overview of upcoming Thematic Workshops:
1/10/2020 @9:30 – 11:30
Social prescribing enables GPs, nurses and other primary care professionals to refer older adults to a range of non-clinical services, such as innovative person-centered designed digital solutions and citizens’ science life-long learning initiatives for promoting Active & Healthy Ageing and supporting older adults’ independent living. This endeavor, addressed to older adults, facing mental health problems or/and socially isolation, is designed to provide social, emotional and practical support through mental health and well-being improvement. This workshop will present person-centered approaches and ICT tools, developed in the context of H2020 EU projects, as well as different use-cases and policy status across the EU, focusing on innovative and holistic approaches to support AHA.
6/10/2020 @9:30 – 11:30
The Senior Coding family of developed applications tends to serve to the residents in senior facilities security options of any European country. Currently, the developed data quality standards satisfy local requirements of Latvian legislation and are under the process of certifying digital management of standardized electronic health records in Lithuania.
Completely secured way of exchange with the applications used by other care service providers increases the interoperability and improves the smoothness of care continuum.
The application “Senior Coding”, has been already successfully applied in Senior Riga, the EIP on AHA Reference Site in Baltics. One of the main objectives of the SAFE consortium is to identify solutions for residential care providers that protect ageing people, and to scale-up these solutions. The Senior Coding family has been identified as one of these solutions, so the planned workshop will contribute to scale it up along up to 10 European countries, starting from Eastern and Central Europe.
8/10/2020 @14:00 – 16:30
Empowerment aims to increase healthy lifespan by providing tools (digital and non-digital) and create more opportunities for managing the health of older adults. Empowered senior citizens enjoy higher independence, a greater control over their own lives and due prominence in decision making in their communities and in the organisations they belong to. Empowerment needs infrastructure, appliance and skills, however true empowerment also requires access to reliable and relevant health-related information as well as a connection to peers who are facing the same challenges.
Empowering older people is, without a doubt, beneficial at individual level. However, from an institutional and health and care system perspective, it is crucial. This is because chronic diseases, demographic change and unexpected pandemics put unprecedented and constant pressure on institutional health and care organisations. Innovation helps us to seek alternative care models and supporting tools that allow the discharge of the institutional health and care from long-term and non-urgent care needs. In reality, innovations (digital or non-digital) that are designed to serve older adults are often limited by regulations and resources (financial, human…).
The inspiring practices in empowering of senior citizens in various cultural environments are coming from Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Greece and Slovenia, altogether from 7 Reference Sites and from the Active Assisted Living (AAL) Programme.
13/10/2020 @9:30 – 12:00
Prevention and citizen-centred health services, e.g. falls clinics and fracture liaison services, will play a crucial role in meeting the future challenges of an aging population. These services could benefit from (digital) tools for citizen empowerment and person-centred care, by improving quality of screening and monitoring, adherence, feedback and evaluation. But what are the needs of the different organisations and how do we know what is worthwhile? Does the organisation of preventive activities facilitate the development, uptake and implementation of evidence-based (digital) solutions?
To improve data for advancing research, disease prevention and personalised health and care different organisations must classify, label and register in comparable manners, using standardised taxonomies and interoperable databases and devices. Which are the indicators that every organisation supporting older adults with risks of (recurrent) falls and fractures should be capable of tracking and sharing? How is this work coordinated in Europe?