Gnomon Informatics SA honored with top awards by the Healthcare Business Awards 2022 BOUSSIAS for eHealthPass platform and app, and ClickZois! Three awards to an amazing team disrupting Healthcare by empowering patients and Healthcare Professionals whilst laying a solid foundation for AI and secondary data use! Proud of our team, staying always committed to our vision of creating a better ehealth future!
Gnomon Informatics SA was honored with top awards for their products in three different categories! eHealthPass by Gnomon won the Gold Award in the category of “Smart Healthcare Systems” and the Silver Award in the category of “Health Mobile Applications”. Furthermore, ClickZois won also the Silver Award in the category of “Home Care Systems”.
eHealthPass introduces an eHealth ecosystem that facilitates patient-doctor collaboration and fosters health data management. This reusable platform is a state-of-the-art multifunctional data digitization. Learn more about it here:
ClickZois is a support for elderly people to maintain or improve their independence, safety and wellbeing. It provides a real time monitoring, notifications for fall detections, tracking position for moving out of a defined allowed bounding box and the usage of a panic button. Learn more about it here: and here:
Proud of their team, they are always staying committed to our vision of creating a better eHealth future!
Contact info:
Dr.Apostolia Karabatea
Discover more about GNOMON INFORMATICS:
GNOMON INFORMATICS S.A. is an innovative company headquartered in Thessaloniki, Greece. It provides solutions for patient empowerment and assisted independent living. History indicates a solid 25-year-old software engineering background, delivering important national & EU projects. GNOMON is the creator of eHealthPass, the patient centered platform that enables frictionless data flow across systems and clouds. Our company has the longstanding vision and inspiration to digitally transform healthcare, insurance and social care industries by unlocking the value of data and enabling the data economy.