On the 2nd-4th December, EDEN partners met in Brussels for the 3rd Consortium Meeting hosted by the project leader, the South Denmark European Office. The aim of the meeting was to present the status of the project,discuss about the next steps particularly focussing on the launch of the EDEN Learning Platform , an application gathering information and training material for relatives and health professionals caring for persons with dementia. The launch of the Platform is foreseen by March 2020.
They have been two productive days in which the partners worked together, spotting light on how to better support patients’ relatives at local level, as well as to boost the collaboration among carers, civil society and healthcare professionals.
During the first day, the project partners from the Matias Fundazioa presented the prelimiary list of the Information Materials which will be available on the platform and the University College Lillebaelt showed the first mokup of the Learning Platform to receive feedback from the partners.
Moreover, HANNN partner illustrated the Community Collaboration Concept, EDEN holistic approach to the handling of dementia promoting the cooperation between professional care providers, relatives and civil society in to facilitate a better quality of life for the person living with dementia and relatives alike.
During the second day, co-creation activities have been dedicated to the design and definition of optimal ways to use the EDEN application by informal caregivers seeking for guidance, informations and support.
Furthermore, the partners from the Universtity of Udine are working on a scientific pubblication that will be submitted to the Health Policy Journal.