Two of our ecosystems, the North Sweden Life Science Ecosystem and the Extremadura Health Ecosystems, are successfully connecting the dots through the CRANE Project. CRANE is a project funded by the European Union that aims to develop an integrated self-care model to improve chronic patient’s wellbeing.
The CRANE project is a collaboration between the public health care services of Agder Region in Norway, Extremadura in Spain and Region Västerbotten in Sweden which aims to empower citizens in their health-data access and management, from private as well as public sources, for their ultimate health benefit.
The final CRANE solution will target citizens who are at risk or have a chronic condition which requires action, and wants to self-manage or improve the management of their health conditions. The CRANE solution aims to make the citizens entire public & personal health data automatically accessible and provides through intelligent technologies new smart and tailored insights. Unlike current siloed health and social care provision, the CRANE solution will provide the citizen with open & trustworthy control of their own data AND the use of it.
CRANE is a Pre-Commercial Procurement PCP, it means that some public procurers who agree on a common need not currently solved by the market, define a common description of their problem, opening a competition into the market to R&D and validate innovative solutions.
The CRANE project will launch in August 2022 a joint procurement Pre-Commercial Procurement, amounting to 4 650 000 EUR, where the consortium will purchase the research and development of a service solution.
Recently, between 8 and 9 March 2022, a coordination meeting of the CRANE project took place at the Parador de Jarandilla de la Vera (Cáceres). European partners met to discuss the latest achievements, align information between them and design the next steps to develop a model of care based on two pillars: healthcare from home and the ecosystem.
The meeting was followed on 10 March by an event to promote the project. There, the different partners presented the starting point of the project, the strategic horizon of the model proposed by CRANE and how to maximise its impact in rural areas of Spain, Sweden, Norway and Denmark.