- On 20 June the Ecosystem in Catalonia gathered to continue the journey to promote a Health ecosystem in Catalonia. The need to know what is being done throughout the country in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of health and the need to create a joint strategy was paramount during the gathering. Participants identified that it is necessary to look for welfare areas of interest to tackle vertical or specific challenges in AI and included afterwards in order to be able to advise the Department of Health or give advice on Best Practice in this field.
- Serbian Em-cath entered the top 3 in the global Imagine IF! Competition, held in Cambridge, UK on 27 June within the framework of the Health Horizons conference. At the global competition in the field of health, the 12 finalists had an opportunity to pitch: from England, Spain, Hong Kong, Switzerland and the United States.

- Representatives from Serbia also attended the European Youth Award Social Hackathon in Novi Sad.
- On 9 July over 130 delegates from across industry, academia, the NHS, Social Care, and wider public sector, gathered at Deepdale Stadium, Preston for the North West Coast Ecosystem’s 19th gathering. They heard about the vast array of digital solutions that promises to change the way we deliver care closer to home. Full details of the event are summarised here.

- The most recent meeting of the Greater Manchester Connected Health Ecosystem was held on 12 July and saw stakeholders from across the region gather to discuss the importance of ‘digital’ in healthcare. Attendees heard from Health Innovation Manchester Chief Executive Professor Ben Bridgewater and newly appointed Digital Innovation Lead, Guy Lucchi, who both stressed the importance of ensuring that innovations were fit for purpose and must be aligned to population health need. A full summary of the event can be viewed here.

One of things ECHAlliance like to do in order to ensure learning is shared across our international digital health ecosystems is to organise regular online meetings with all of our now 32 different Ecosystem Co-ordinators and Leads in order to keep connecting up the dots.
The latest of these was the All Ecosystems Co-ordinators Call which took place on 15 July with a strong display of cooperation between ecosystems and sharing of ideas and good practice. Items shared included….
- A recent Galician expedition to Slovenia and Serbia, a look at a new strategic initiative in the area of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) in the House of the Present from Friesland, (which has the potential to be replicated in other ecosystems) and a comprehensive, yet succinct, review of current projects and funding opportunities from the ECHAlliance Projects team (many H2020 opportunities are still open). The presentation is available here, and the recording of the call here.
- Details of More on the House of the Present can be found within the Digital Health Friesland (Netherlands) Ecosystem GEEF, https://www.platformgeef.nl/huis-van-het-heden.