During the six-month period, Croatia will lead the work of the Council, building co-operation and agreement between Member States in a spirit of consensus and mutual respect.
The Croatian Presidency is coming at a time of great change for the European Union, at the beginning a new institutional and legislative cycle following the formation of a new composition of European institutions, as well as the challenges of the process of withdrawing the United Kingdom from the European Union.
Uneven economic development, climate change, increased migration, expansion of misinformation and growing populism are some of the challenges of today’s world that citizens face and rightly awaiting answers. Only a strong Europe can provide them. Our unity is our greatest strength.
In order to bring the Union and the benefits it brings closer to its citizens, we will encourage strengthening dialogue, including through the Conference on the Future of Europe.
Guided by Croatia’s national priorities, in line with the new Strategic Guidelines Programme of the European Union 2019 – 2024 and leaning on the Trio program, Croatia prepared the Programme of its presidency, based on four pillars:
• A Europe that develops;
• A Europe that connects;
• A Europe that protects;
• An influential Europe.
These four priorities are united in the motto “A strong Europe in a world of challenges” which summarizes the vision of the European Union acting for the benefit of its Member States and its citizens.
In its work, the Croatian Presidency will also take into account the strategic documents that will be agreed between the EU institutions and the work program of the new European Commission Work Programme.
An ambitious, balanced and sustainable EU Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2021 – 2027 is a prerequisite for achieving our goals. The Croatian Presidency will advocate to reach a comprehensive agreement as quickly as possible to allow timely implementation of all Union policies and programmes, in the service of further building Europe as strong as possible in the world of challenges.
Learn about the Programme of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU
Article Source: https://eu2020.hr/Home/OneNews?id=134