‘Highlighting Cross Border Collaborations in Digital Health’
22nd January 2020
@ Carrickdale Hotel, Dundalk, Co. Louth
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The fourth joint ECHAlliance eHealth Ireland and Northern Ireland Connected Health Ecosystems Gathering took place to an audience of over 200 interested stakeholders registered from across the health ecosystem spectrum.
The size of the audience and potential for collaboration can be seen via a quick clip of the main room prior to the plenary session taken from the stage as people were taking their places.
The #4thjointecosystem is officially starting, the room is absolutely packed#4thjointecosystem @ECHAlliance #ehealth4all pic.twitter.com/C09Fqk5O31
— ECHAlliance: The Global Health Connector (@ECHAlliance) January 22, 2020
An exciting and varied agenda offered expert speakers sharing their views on cross border collaborations in digital health after an Early Bird Pitching Panel offered businesses the opportunity to obtain advice from experienced stakeholders including:
- Michael Redmond, Assistant National Director, Chief Operating Officer, eHealth Ireland and Office of the Chief Information Officer, Ireland
- Dan West, Chief Digital Information Officer, Department of Health, NI
- Gary Comiskey, Director, Government & Health, EY
- Ryan Williams, Director, Connected Health
- Brian O’Connor, Chair, European Connected Health Alliance
In the afternoon an interactive workshop provided attendees with alternative means of sharing their views and getting involved in specific cross border topics using a flying flipchart methodology. Eight businesses took part in the Pitching Panel, each providing a short 3 minute pitch as well as what their ask was from the panel followed by a 2 minute feedback session.

- Liopa;
- TIGYA Health;
- Wellola;
- Jinga Life;
- THE HomeShare;
- Anaeko;
- MyClinic365;
- La Casa;
During the plenary section of the ecosystem the following speakers took part in an engaging programme that continued to highlight successful examples of Cross Border Collaboration:
- Aidan Gough, Designated Officer and Director of Strategy and Policy, InterTradeIreland, updating the gathering on cluster development across Ireland alongside Brian O’Connor, Chair, European Connected Health Alliance, whotouched on the link between crisis and opportunities ;
- Michael Redmond, Assistant National Director, Chief Operating Officer, eHealth Ireland and Office of the Chief Information Office, Ireland and Dan West, Chief Digital Information Officer, Department of Health, Northern Ireland shared the developments in Health Care strategy across Ireland;
- Alison Currie, Operations Manager, InterTradeIreland, Alan Hobbs, Manager High Potential Start-Ups (Life Sciences) Enterprise Ireland and Grainne McVeigh, Director, Life and Health Sciences, Invest Northern Ireland took the audience through the range of support, health and advice for businesses in Ireland in relation to North/South trade;
- An international perspective was provided by Anze Droljc, Business Development Director, Better, who asked and presented his view to the question – Is a mega suite enough to really transform care? A maturing approach already delivering care across Europe
- A funding panel with Grainne Lennon, International Funding and Collaborations Broker, InterTradeIreland, Kay Duggan-Walls, Horizon 2020 Contact Point (Ireland) and Patricia McCrory, Horizon 2020 Northern Ireland Contact Point for Healthanswered questions on future opportunities, as well as practical support advice and support for businesses across the island of Ireland;
- Muiris O’Connor, Assistant Secretary, R&D and Health Analytics Division, Department of Health, Ireland and Alan Connor, Programme Manager, mPower Project, National Services Scotland highlighted the extent of Scottish-Irish connections in digital healthcare and the collaborations ongoing to enhance these connections further;
- Patient Perspectives were powerfully drawn attention to by Joan Jordan, EUPATI Graduate and IPPOSI Member and Joan McParland, Founder and Co-ordinator, Hope 4 M.E. & Fibro Northern Ireland to ensure that the voice of the patient was central to the programme
A networking break followed during which all attendees had the opportunity to visit the numerous pop-up exhibition stands on show.
The Gathering re-commenced with :
- Jennifer Neff, Co-Founder, Elemental Software, who showcased the audience practical examples of deployed innovations across Ireland;
- A co-presentation on delivering future opportunities through Innovation Hubs was provided by Dr Colman Casey, Director, Health Innovation Hub, Ireland and Dr Rob Grundy, Interim Chief Executive, Health and Research Institute, Northern Ireland;
- Craig Donnachie, Communications Manager Multi-Disciplinary Team Project, Department of Health, Northern Ireland presented on the design, principles and new roles within the Multi-Disciplinary Team Model;
- Gary Loughran, Director, Encompass, delivered on the current status of ‘Encompass’ and the opportunities for clinicians and patients North and South of the border;
- Dr Fergal McCaffrey, Director, Dundalk Institute of Technology Regulated Software Research Centre explained and gave examples of research development moving to reality and commercialisation, including their progress and impact;
- Martin Curley, Director, Digital Transformation, Health Service Executive, Ireland took the gathering through how the digital academy approach is enabling digital transformation;
- Representing stakeholders within the Crossing Borders on Smart Age Friendly Environments project, the EU_SHAFE experience funded by the European Interreg Fund was shared by Damon Berry and John McGrory, Lecturers, Technological University Dublin;
- Industry perspectives were provided by Ryan Williams, Director, Connected Health and George Kowalski, ORCHA by showcasing successful industry digital health innovations;
- Andy Bleaden, Director, Ecosystems and Membership, ECHAlliance updated attendees on the growing international network of Ecosystems and the opportunities to connect, collaborate and break down silos as well as take part in learning expeditions.
Following lunch, an interactive ‘Flying Flycharts’ session looked at gaining perspectives from attendees on a number of questions in relation to:

- Empowering People;
- Mental Health and Wellbeing;
- Innovation and Workforce Skills;
- Active Ageing and the role of technology;
- Inter-Island Learning Expedition.
The presentations delivered on the day can be found here.
The European Connected Health Alliance would like to thank the sponsor for the Gathering, InterTradeIreland, for their support and assistance, the speakers, pitchers, exhibitors and workshop leads and all those in attendance who made the gathering a success.

Interaction and communications via social media was busy throughout the day including:

Finally, just one of our new members as a result of the gathering.