On the 23-25 September at the 2019 Conference of Partners of the European Innovative Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) took place in Aarhus, Denmark. This was the first time it was jointly organised with the AAL Forum and ECHAlliance had an extensive presence.
Smarter practical implementation of digital solutions to enhance active and healthy living
The conference brought together experts from across Europe to cover an action-packed agenda focussing on the latest challenges, designs and technology for the Silver Economy, with 32 parallel sessions, three plenaries, world-class keynote speakers and an exciting exhibition area.
Meet PULSE project
With ECHAlliance participating in a number of international R&I projects, several attendees took the opportunity to visit our stand and learn more about them, specifically about PULSE, its achievements and upcoming events.

A time for learning and collaboration
The EIP on AHA Conference of Partners was a fantastic opportunity to learn about the future of Active and Healthy Ageing beyond 2020 in the Horizon Europe Framework Programme and the other programmes and initiatives to be launched (such as the Digital Europe Programme and the new European Partnerships).
To this purpose, the different stakeholders from AAL, EIP on AHA and the Joint Programming Initiative More Years Better Lives, came together to advocate for a strong ‘ageing well in a digital world’ component under Horizon Europe and the new policy period.
Furhermore, the newly selected EIP on AHA reference sites have been officially announced in Aarhus.
The event has been the opportunity to celebrate the success of the awarded regions ans cities as key players in tackling demographic changes and paved the ground to initiate a constructive debate about the future post 2020 policy framework driving regional innovation in active and healthy ageing.
More information are available here.
Innovation to Market Plan: official launch of the first action lines
ECHAlliance together with FUNKA and TicBioMed presented the EIP on AHA horizontal initiative ‘Innovation to Market’ (I2M) during a dedicated session. With the number of people aged 65+ projected to double from 2010 to 2060 the AHA market represents a great opportunity. The I2M plan addresses the AHA market and explores the types of AHA-related investments made in Europe by both public and private sector organisations. It identifies the gaps that exist between demand and supply which create barriers to sound deployment and put in place a number of actions to help filling such gaps.
The presentation discussed how the I2M plan has been developed entailing a truly collaborative co-creation process, the structure of the plan and its expected outputs.
Bringing together supply and demand is clearly the key and also the ultimate goal of the first two action lines launched in Aarhus, i.e. the Matchmaking Sessions and the Adoption Award. Information about how to get engaged is available here.