The European Health Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) and the Health Procurement Europe (HPE) are pleased to announce a new strategic alliance together to collaborate on the area of Health Procurement in Europe.
One of the main objectives of the Strategic Alliance is to seek mutually beneficial opportunities for our organisations, members, ecosystems and networks. This Strategic Alliance will also bring together a new thematic innovation ecosystem targeting “European Cross Border Procurement Ecosystem”.
Brian O’Connor said
the area of Procurement of Health Innovation is one of vital interest for our members and ecosystems as well as the rest of our Global Community. By partnering with HPE we hope to collaborate on a number of mutually beneficial areas that will see tangible action.
Dieter Zocholl said:
At the latest since the pandemic, it has become clear to everyone how (vitally) important procurement is when it comes to medical goods. HPE has been the knowledge hub in Europe for (digital) procurement in healthcare for about a year now. We are happy to transfer our shared knowledge to the ECHAlliance community in concrete projects that facilitate the daily business of purchasers. We are also excited to become the first thematic “European Cross Border Procurement Ecosystem”. This propels our young association into the next stage of development outside Europe as well. Thank you for the trust from ECHAlliance – our great role model
About ECHAlliance
ECHAlliance are a member organisation and you can find out more about us and join the 750 member organisations globally that we work with and a global community of 16,500 professionals here: @ECHAlliance
About Health Procurement Europe (HPE) Association
HPE is the European interest group for hospital and healthcare buyers. As a member organization together with our members and strategic partner, we represent more than 2.000 hospitals and healthcare facilities within our ecosystem in Europe, reaching an annual purchasing volume of more than € 20 billion in 14 European countries. I