Biotech Santé Bretagne is involved into INTENCIVE project (Interreg Europe) aiming at rethinking health services in the ageing society using genuine customer orientation and innovation-driven health technology to guarantee high quality and accessibility.
Biotech Santé Bretagne identified 11 good practices in e-Health sector and began the evaluation process of some of these best practices.
The interviews were made with professional users by using the Danish Bikva method.
Some of these best practices:
–Telemedecine for chronic wounds developed by Pôle St Hélier in Rennes bringing medical expertise at home or in retirement homes for dependent elderlies.
More information here: https://www.pole-sthelier.fr/recherche-innovation-formation/telemedecine/
–Teleconsultation in Ophtalmology of Rennes and Janzé hospitals in partnership with several retirement homes:
More information on 1st phase of experimentation here (https://www.sfo-online.fr/media/19294) and 2d phase of experimentation (https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/sante-sciences/bretagne-a-l-ehpad-de-janze-consulte-l-opthtalmo-depuis-sa-chambre-1559839277 )
– Kerpape REHAB LAB involving disabled patients for designing their own technical assistance by using 3D printing:
More information here http://rehab-lab.org/
A webinar will be organized by Biotech Santé Bretagne on november 26, 2020 in order to present in the morning 3 best practices from Brittany to our INTENCIVE partners. In the afternoon, Echalliance will participate to a thematic workshop on “”e-health in innovation eco-systems”.