A wide range of eHealth solutions have been developed and proposed so far, with the objective of ensuring good quality care, despite the decrease of resources to the demographic demand. Some of these solutions are already aiming at supporting health care workers to ensure more transparent communication channels and empowering patients and relatives to better participate in their own health. However, many of these solutions are not deployed to a full potential within the health care providers, namely for lack of sufficient digital skills to make solutions work well across sectors and in a multidisciplinary environment.
The Erasmus+ DISH project, which has been launched in Aabenraa (Denmark) on 17-18 January 2019, will address this key challenge by establishing a triple helix partnership consisting of health care providers, educational institutions and enterprise representatives in each of the 6 countries involved in the project. To these national ecosystems, two wide-European organisations (i.e. European Connected Health Alliance, ECHAlliance, and European Health Management Association, EHMA) are added to promote wide dissemination and stakeholders’ involvement.
The objective of the DISH project is therefore to look into the present and future skills needs, in order to succeed with the necessary digitalisation in the sector, and will on that basis develop, test and present different concepts, which will provide health care staff with innovation readiness and digital skills, enabling them to better see the opportunities in how and where to apply eHealth solutions.
The project aims to provide real-life solutions to everyday situations; thus the trainings will be presented as a “on the job training concept”, where simulation in a secure and less stressful environment is an important aspect. In each country a minimum of 100 health care staff will be involved in the learning innovation unit and receive training in the testing phase in order to test usability. Each participant will receive a certificate of participation with an assessment and acknowledgement of the skills and competences that they have obtained.
The overall aim of the project is to contribute to the implementation of the EU 2020 Strategy as well as the main goals of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) in terms of skills development and job creation. The project responds to the “Agenda for New Skills and Jobs”, equipping future and present staff in the health care sector with the right skills to face the challenges in the sector.
About the project
DISH is a pan-European Sector Skills Alliance led by the Region of Southern Denmark (Hospital of Southern Jutland), and brings together 19 organizations in total. The consortium is well balanced in terms of involvement from healthcare providers to academia, as well as public and non-profit organizations:
Southern Jutland Hospital (SHS) – Denmark
South Denmark European Office (SDEO) – Denmark
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) – Norway
University College Lillebaelt (UCL) – Denmark
Welfare Tech – Denmark
Norwegian Smart Care Cluster (NSCC) – Norway
Vaksdal Municipality – Norway
The Health Department Valencia-La Fe (IISLAFE) – Spain
Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) – Spain
Polibienestar Research Institute – Spain
European Health Management Association (EHMA) – Belgium
European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) – Ireland
NHS Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) – United Kingdom
Edge Hill University (EHU) – United Kingdom
E-Health Cluster LTD – United Kingdom
Lübeck University (THL) – Germany
BioCon Valley GMBH (BCV) – Germany
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) – Germany
John Paul II Hospital (JP2) – Poland
DISH project has received funding from the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Action Type: Sector Skills Alliances (SSAs). The aim of this specific action is to design how to tackle skills, aligning vocational education and training (VET) systems with labour market needs. The three-year project began on 01 November 2018.
More information on the project can be found on the Erasmus+ website and will be soon available through the following link and social media handles:
Website: www.dishproject.eu
Twitter: @dish_project (DISH Project)
LinkedIn: dishprojecteu
Facebook: @dishprojecteu
Keywords: digital skills, innovation, triple helix, innovation readiness, health and social care, workforce development.
Press Contacts
For additional information, please contact Henriette Hansen (Project Coordinator) at hha@southdenmark.beor Valentina Tageo (Dissemination Manager) valentina@echalliance.com.