Head of Innovation of the Hospital of Southern Jutland (DK)
The 2020 Health Policy Platform Thematic Network ‘Profiling and training the healthcare workers of the future’, co-led by Health First Europe together with EHMA, and involving ECHAlliance between other relevant EU members, has held its second live streamed webinar entitled: “Preparing health care professionals to the ongoing digitalisation of care: Innovation readiness, digital leadership and literacy” on the 13th of May 2020.
The webinar, held during the European Public Health Week, has seen the participation of more than 100 attendees and has focused the lively discussion on case studies and best practices to improve organizational and workforce digital readiness to better address the ongoing digitalization of care and cure in Europe.
During the webinar, Trine Ungermann Fredskild, Head of Innovation of the Hospital of Southern Jutland (DK) and project coordinator of DISH, gave a Keynote presentation on digital leadership and workforce digital literacy highlighting how the Erasmus+ DISH project is addressing the challenge of the digital skills’ gap of the healthcare staff currently hampering the possibility of fully benefiting from the progressive digitalisation of the sector.
The three key concepts of the DISH project have been presented to the webinar’s audience, namely the Learning Innovation Unit, the on the Job Training and the Assessment of Digital Skills , as well as the methodology that will be implemented in the 6 project’s pilot sites to test these concepts in a real life scenario.
The outcomes of this second webinar of a series of four, closed by a commentary from DG Santè, will feed the elaboration of the Thematic Network Joint Statement whose aim is to support the European Commission and its Members States in profiling the educational needs of the healthcare staff, identifying and improving their core competences and pointing out their critical role in the debate about health system reforms, digitalisation and new and future models of care.
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