Next month DISH partners will meet in Liverpool for the 3rd Consortium Meeting. The aim of the meeting, which will take place from the 9th to the 11th December at the Museum of Liverpool, is to present the status of the project and to discuss about the next steps.
The two working days will be dedicated to the finalisation, consolidation and common agreement on the three DISH pillars, namely the Learning Innovation Unit, the On the Job Training and the Assessment of Competences concepts. The Triple Helix Partners, health care providers, educational institutions and enterprise representatives acting in each of the 6 countries involved in the project, will then jointly discuss how concretely test the usability, relevance and transferability of those concepts at local level, thus putting the foundations for the DISH project implementation phase.
ECHAlliance, leader of the DISH dissemination and communication actions, together with the European Health Management Association (EHMA), will take advantage of the meeting to create new communication materials to be used to raise awareness about the project results achieved so far. In particular, video interviews aimed at exemplifying the three DISH developed concepts will be shot, and a discussion will be initiated with the rest of the Consortium on the definition of visuals that could, in an intuitive manner, represent the idea underlining each of the DISH concepts.
The videos and the visuals will be used to reinforce the project dissemination action towards the DISH key audiences and the large public and uploaded on the project website that will be launched shortly.
In the meantime you can follow the project on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for updates. #DISHprojectEU