We are pleased to welcome the Norwegian Health Tech Ecosystem. Read the interesting interview with Mara Diaconu, Norwegian Ecosystem Coordinator below.
Who are the key stakeholders?
NHT ecosystem stakeholders and members are a mix of SMEs, research and development organisations, academia, large organisations, municipalities, hospitalities etc. Please see some the numbers below and the full list in our website https://www.norwayhealthtech.com/member
- SMEs and start-ups: 200
- Academia and research organisations: 13
- Clusters: 4
- Hospitals and testing facilities: 16
- Large organisations: 28
- Investors: 6
- Municipalities: 4
- International members:1
- Technology Transfer Offices: 4
What are the main objectives of your ecosystems?
Together we build a sustainable and innovative healthcare service for the future.
The ecosystem connects R&D and industrial collaboration between research, industry, and health professionals. We stimulate market-driven innovation and advance clinical studies, testing, and verification.
NHT has been part of developing and formed partnerships with four Norwegian test-beds to develop, test, and verify best-in-class health technology products and solutions.
Some of the services we provide to our ecosystem:
- R&D, clinical studies, testing and verifications, manufacturing;
- Incubation & co-working space;
- Business development and market introductions;
- Industrial cooperation between research, industry, and health institutions;
- Home market and procurement processes;
- Global growth and export programs; Public and private capital;
- Competence building and training.
NHT Academy aims to provide the ecosystem with an increased level of competence offering training and knowledge sharing seminars: business development, product design, regulatory field, etc, breakfast meetings.
NHT EU Programme funding support fosters collaboration among the industrial, R&D, and end-users by exploiting European Funding. Since its inception in 2014, NHT’s EU team has assisted 30 SMEs bringing EUR 30M, with a success rate of approx. 40%. Dedicated support services: EU Funding screening and strategy for Health Tech SME’s, proposal writing support, participate in large EU collaborative projects NHT Innovation Manager is geared towards increasing the competences of young SMEs to initiate, develop and bring innovation to the market. Support spans from financial planning to governance issues, as well as IP protection and go to market strategy. The aim is to support 50 -70 companies per year with a mix of base courses and vertical one2one coaching.
Norwegian Health Investor Network bridges the gap between health-focused companies in need of capital, and investors interested in this space. We are in the process of onboarding 100’s of companies and investors to the platform.
Going Global: 1/3 of all companies in the Norwegian Health industry are “Born Globals”, NHT offers support to enter the global markets: the Nordics, Singapore, Germany, France, Italy, UK, USA, Japan,etc
Why did you join the ECHAlliance Network of Ecosystems?
We would like to collaborate with ECHAlliance members and ecosystem to bring added value to our members and to the Norwegian Ecosystem
We want to raise awareness about our ecosystem and potential to open collaboration for other ecosystems in the Norwegian market
Who is missing from your ecosystem in terms of stakeholders?
We are looking to get more international organisations in our ecosystem and develop sustainable partnerships with all categories of international stakeholders: SMEs, Large Companies, Universities, Municipalities, Hospitals, NGOs, Patient’s representatives or associations, etc
Which ecosystems are you looking to collaborate with?
We would like to collaborate with ecosystems both in Europe, but also pan-European.
Visit the Norwegian Health Tech Ecosystem page here