In the week of February 8 – 12, 2021 two very interesting conference on aging, impact of Covid-19 and other related topics were held in Prague, Czech Republic. Due to the pandemic restrictions, both were organized in virtual space.

The first one, (En)gaging! 2021 ( was scheduled as two days meeting.
The 4th international conference is organized in the frame of the long-term (eng)aging! project, which aims to foster society-wide debate about the accelerating demographic change and population aging. The project aims to stimulate a constructive discussion about these trends and to look for ways to make use of them for the benefit of the society.
The organizers succeeded in invitation many international speakers. The talks and presentations were focused on different aspects of aging, stressing approaches to healthy and active aging, user-centered design of technology, etc.

The second conference Stárnutí 2021 (Aging 2021) ( was held on February 11 -12, 2021.
The target audience are professionals in social care and gerontology, students of relevant study programs, informal carers and wide public.
The main objectives of the conference are: gaining an overview of current topics related to the specifics of education of the elderly; acquisition of useful knowledge and activation of seniors directly transferable into practice; establishing contacts and cooperation, the possibility of building interdisciplinary teams; gaining an overview of the activities of Czech and Slovak scientists in the field; achieving greater competitiveness in research activities. The program focuses on the following topics: adaptation to career change in late adulthood and on the threshold of the elderly; specifics of education of older people; leisure education and activation of seniors; education of elderly caregivers in the context of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases; current topics in gerontology.
Author: Lenka Lhotska, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic