Last month, DigitalHealthEurope (DHE) organized a webinar with the aim to present emerging results from WP4 – Collaboration platform on “Citizens’ secure access to and sharing of health data”, gather stakeholders’ feedback and ideas, and support the dissemination of such results.
DigitalHealthEurope is a H2020 Coordination and Support Action involving 17 partners from 10 different countries, representing research, companies, multi-stakeholder organizations, and regional authorities to boost innovation and advance the three Digital Single Market priorities for the digital transformation of health and care (DTHC) launched by the European Commission in 2018.
During the webinar, Carina Dantas, International Project Manager at ECHAlliance, presented the work conducted so far, as part of the Task 4.2 – Data sharing governance, led by our organization.
Specifically, during her presentation entitled Data sharing governance for citizens empowerment, she introduced the methods, the goals and the different phases of the work developed so far, as well as the results of the interviews and the survey conducted.
Carina highlighted how there is still a fragmentation in terms of models and tools that can be used to approach the citizens on data sharing.

Figure 2 – Some data from the desk research Figure 2 – Some data from the desk research
From the interviews many relevant and different opinions emerged, as well as the need to gather information on what common citizens think about the use of their health data and not only opinions from experts in the area.
Indeed, between April and May 2020, a quick and simple survey was collecting answers from citizens around Europe, to 5 questions (see below) available in different languages, gathering a total of 935 replies.

The results are quite exciting and will be shared very soon!
Keep tuned and follow #DHE2020