Business and growth must be measured as more than just the financial bottom line. The value should also be measured on the social effect and green footprint. In Danish Life Science Cluster, we will compete with the best clusters in the world within life science and welfare technology and collaborate with all key actors to place Danish life science and welfare technology on the world map. Their new strategy is ready and you can read it here.
Danish Life Science Cluster’s new strategy focuses on sustainable life science.
This implies that business and growth must be measured as more than just the financial bottom line. The value must also be measured on the social effect and green footprint.
– Future solutions are created where new knowledge meets. We must consider new constructions and find new business models in our work, and in that way, we can focus on ensuring sustainable life science, CEO of Danish Life Science Cluster, Diana Arsovic Nielsen, says.
A unique opportunity must be seized
She spoke at the general meeting of Danish Life Science Cluster on Tuesday April 5th, where the new strategy was just approved by the board. The contents were presented for the guests in The Life Science House (Atrium) at the Pharmaceutical Industry Association (LIF).
Kim Kjøller, chairman of the Danish Life Science Cluster board, emphasizes that Denmark has a unique potential to deliver the future’s bid for a number of central health challenges that reach beyond Denmark’s borders.
– In the future, more people will live with chronic diseases, and if we do not change the way we deliver health care services and become better at preventing and initiating early intervention, we will ultimately experience a decrease in our quality of life, Kim Kjøller says.
He highlights that Danish Life Science Cluster – in collaboration with both private and public actors – must bring innovation across the board and ensure continuous progress in both the health area and the individual citizen’s quality of life.
– Denmark has a goal for growth in the life science area, and we have the opportunity to create innovative partnerships across public and private sectors, and this is unique in a global context. The mission will consist of delivering, documenting, and implementing future solutions for the benefit of Danish citizens and eventually in the international community.
In the strategy, there is a focus on strategic partnerships in the life science area, and on co-creating new solutions with the many actors in the field.
The focus areas are about strengthening collaboration models and grasping the global trends that characterize the healthcare sector, so that companies can develop their innovation potential and strengthen competitiveness both nationally and internationally.
The main areas are about enhancing collaborative models and recognizing the global trends that influence the healthcare sector, so that businesses can develop their innovation potential and strengthen their national and international competitiveness.
Discover more about Danish Life Science Cluster
Danish Life Science Cluster is the national cluster organization for life science and welfare technology in Denmark. We aim to convert Danish research and knowledge within life science and welfare technology into new and improved commercial solutions for the benefit of businesses, healthcare systems, municipalities and citizens.