
CRANE: pre-commercial procurement project. FundeSalud participate in the co-creation sessions of the CRANE Project in Copenhagen

Published on: 16/04/2024

CRANE: pre-commercial procurement project. FundeSalud participate in the co-creation sessions of the CRANE Project in Copenhagen

Three European companies are designing a prototype of a possible technological solution for patients with chronic diseases (Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). The 3 companies carried out co-creation sessions where they presented the last advances in the development of version 2 of the prototype.

Innovation & research

The CRANE Project (Comprehensive Treatment of Chronic Patients in Rural Areas) is an Innovative Pre-Commercial Procurement Project funded by the European Union that aims to build a system to increase person-centred care and evolve towards a model in which more than 80% of chronic patients move to self-care. The technological solution proposed by CRANE will be validated in 2025 in some locations in Spain, Norway, and Sweden.


Currently, 3 European companies are designing a prototype of the possible technological solution and each of them carried out, during the second week of April, co-creation sessions in which some members of the Monitoring Team of the CRANE Project Consortium participated. There were representatives of the 3 rural regions: Extremadura (Spain), Agder (Norway), and Västerbotten (Sweden). 


These sessions took place in the Nordatlantens Brygge (North Atlantic House) in Copenhagen on the 9th, 10th, and 11th of April. At these meetings, each company discussed independently with the CRANE Consortium about different topics very relevant for the development of the Version 2 of the Prototype such as, for example: self-monitoring, privacy and security, governance, data sources, and insight generation. 


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