The CONNECTINGHEALTH project is dedicated to fostering interconnected and inclusive
innovation ecosystems across Europe, with a particular focus on maximising the value
of innovation in the digital health sector. At its core, the project aims to contribute to
the long-term sustainability and advancement of healthcare in the European Union
and beyond.
With the use of inclusive development processes our approach has integrated
collaborative input from diverse stakeholders and synthesises outputs from various
project work packages and deliverables. Now, as a result of countless co-creation
sessions, stakeholder validation sessions, and the completion of the Multi-Year Action
Plan, the CONNECTINGHEALTH project Policy Recommendations aim to pave the way
for an ideal future of (digital) health in Europe and beyond by 2030.
These recommendations are crafted with the intention of catalysing actionable steps
that governments, healthcare organisations, academia, private-sector, and
ultimately civil society can take to foster a connected and efficient health ecosystem.
By addressing key issues such as funding and investment, interoperability and data
sharing, and education and training, these policy recommendations seek to enable
seamless exchange of health information, facilitate innovative digital health solutions,
and ensure equitable access to healthcare services for all citizens in Europe.
Embracing these recommendations will not only accelerate the adoption of digital
health technologies but also assist in contributing to improved health outcomes,
increased efficiency in healthcare delivery, and enhanced patient experiences on a
global scale.
You can read the full Deliverable 6.3 – Policy Recommendations here.