The European Commission’s Directorate General for Content Networks and Technologies is launching a public consultation to gather the views of stakeholders on the priority areas for EU digital infrastructure investments and the best ways to address existing connectivity needs with Connecting Europe Facility support. The consultation is open until 11 September 2019.

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a funding programme that supports trans-European networks and infrastructures in the sectors of transport, telecommunications and energy. CEF will enter its second generation in 2021, for the seven-year period of 2021-2027 with a budget of €3 billion.
An EU-wide, very high capacity, secure and resilient digital connectivity infrastructure is the basis for a fully functional Digital Single Market, accessible to all EU citizens, as well as for the deployment of the next generation of digital services. Given the importance of the CEF Digital funding programme to the success of the Digital Single Market, the European Commission is seeking inputs from industry, academic institutions and the public sector, in order to orientate and align its investment priorities. We also seek insights on how best to design the programme to maximise the business case for investment in digital infrastructure.
The public consultation will aid the European Commission to prepare the implementation roadmap for the CEF2 Digital investment programme and inform the preparation of the first multi annual work programme starting in 2021. Alongside a study and meetings with stakeholders, the results of this consultation will feed into the concrete funding proposals that the Commission will make.
On the consultation page, you can find further details and participate in the survey.
The public consultation will close on 11 September 2019.
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