Conéctate Soluciones y Aplicaciones is a technological ehealth company and Universal Health Chain (UHC) is their main development.
UHC is a platform that uses asymmetric cryptography and end-to-end encryption to share medical data securely from the person’s mobile phone (securely encrypted, patient empowerment and tamper-proof safety system) with health providers or certain COVID 19 data at airports and hotels, compliant with GDPR (Europe), HIPAA (USA) and PIPEDA ( Canada)
UHC incorporates the patented Universal Health Identifier (WO/2020/136289) and other patents to achieve every person to be able to unify and carry all health data from different health providers and territories for free (USCDI, IPS and Verifiable Credentials) and allows the person to travel and to receive cross-border healthcare (regardless of the territory or health care provider). Health providers will be able to subscribe to read/ send data through securely encrypted connections with the person and to certify documents, medical products and devices. Also airlines and hotels can subscribe to read COVID 19 data through the Universal Health Identifier.
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