
Community connections: The secrets to successful social prescribing

Published on: 04/04/2023

Community connections: The secrets to successful social prescribing
Innovation & research, Thought Leadership
Member News

In this piece, The Access Group provides a summary of how they celebrated social prescribing day and 10 years of Access Elemental.

Last month was a busy month for Access Elemental Social Prescribing. Following on from Social Prescribing Day we have been busy celebrating all things social prescribing throughout the rest of March.

We had a great time celebrating some our biggest social prescribing achievements with our customers as well as our 10th anniversary. March was a great month of celebrations and we are continuing to celebrate throughout April through enhancing our social prescribing platform further. 

Celebrating the best of Access Elemental Social Prescribing

Last month we got involved in a plethora of activities to celebrate social prescribing month. 

One of our favourite activities we took part in this year was visiting some of our customers where we discussed some of their biggest achievements and how they would like to progress further in the future. 

We arrived with bespoke cupcakes ready to celebrate Social Prescribing Day, and despite the bad weather we didn’t let it dampen our spirits.  

It was amazing to see first-hand all the great projects our customers are running and the impact they are having on their local communities. 

To see photos from all our celebrations throughout Social Prescribing Month follow our LinkedIn where you will never miss updates on what we are up to ever again. 

Prescribing a better home: How social prescribing can improve housing and health?

One of our biggest aims the last few months is to work hard with our customers to help share the news that social prescribing can help more sectors than just primary care. 

We have been sharing our knowledge of the wider social determinants of health and how they can impact an individual’s mental health and wellbeing. One of the biggest determinants of health causing some of the most frequent mental health issues is housing. 

Housing can impact people’s mental health for a variety of reasons, however there are three key reasons why someone’s wellbeing could be in decline because of housing including:

  • Affordability 
  • Availability 
  • Quality 

Here all three reasons can take its toll. Without decent quality housing available people can be left paying ridiculous amounts of money in rent in a home which is inadequate to their needs and people could end up homeless. Undoubtedly this can cause severe stress, anxiety, and depression, and can sometimes leave adults and families feeling like they are failures. 

This is where social prescribing services and local authorities can work together to notice signs of struggle before something more serious happens to help maintain individuals’ physical and mental health alike from declining. 

At Access Elemental Social Prescribing we are aware of the different services and interventions that can help social prescribing in housing be successful. We know this through working with some of our customers and working together to get the best outcomes possible to improve quality of life and reconnect individuals back within their community. 

To learn how best you can implement social prescribing in your local community to help solve the current housing issues download our housing guide today. In our guide we explain in more detail the importance of social prescribing in housing and what it can offer, as well as an example of a housing social prescribing journey, so you can see first-hand how it can change someone’s life for the better. 

Enhancing our digital social prescribing further

At Access Elemental Social Prescribing we want all of our customers to have the best user experience on our platform. Due to so many different occupations and people using our platform we understand that everyone will have different needs and we have made a platform to accommodate that. 

Through this we are also aware of how needs can change and how enhancements to our software are continuously needed, especially as social prescribing journeys get more complex. 

This month we are so excited to announce we will be demonstrating our latest enhancements to our social prescribing software

Our latest enhancements improves our current two-way integration with have with EMIS Web. Currently our two-way integration was working well but it was limited for the clinicians that were using it. We took this feedback on board and wanted to update our two-way integration to best meet their needs and make managing social prescribing referrals easier. 

Now we can offer more SNOMED Codes to help explain social prescribing journeys better such as what tool is being used to measure an individual’s wellbeing. Users will also be able to send back attachments when sending information across. This is helpful as it allows Social Prescribing Link Workers to go into more detail in their reports about how someone is getting on in their social prescribing journey. Finally another enhancement that is going live is the ability to send back free text. Prior to this Social Prescribing Link Workers were only able to send structured text at various trigger points. Now they can send across any additional information anytime during a patient’s social prescribing journey.

These enhancements will save social prescribers time and prevent information being inputted twice to ensure patient information is current and up-to-date.

Come join us by being a part of our discussion with our team, and  guest speakers from the EMIS Health’s team, by signing up to the webinar today. We cannot wait to show these new enhancements and how it can benefit your social prescribing service today. 

At Access Elemental Social Prescribing we work hard to make sure we help deliver the best social prescribing journeys possible. We work with our customers and improve our social prescribing platform accordingly to best suit their needs. Discover how we can deliver the best social prescribing software to your service today by contacting us and we can continue to build more community connections to make social prescribing even more successful than it is already.


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