#RIES is the international reference forum at regional and national level to address the challenges and opportunities of the health ecosystem. Led by the CSG (Cluster Saúde de Galicia) it is created as a meeting point between the main agents of the health and social care sector of the public and private sector at European level in collaboration with the ECHAlliance health ecosystem network. Each year the presentation of health innovation is focused around a main theme and it is held in a different place of Galicia reference of the chosen theme.
This year the theme chosen for the V Forum RIES20 is food as the basis for a good quality of life that allows us to have an active and healthy aging. The context of the current pandemic situation has only reinforced the importance of the food sector in our society. The place in Galicia chosen for the event is the village of Albá in the province of Lugo. This province comprises a food industry based on sustainability and rural development.
The structure of the Forum RIES will once again be innovative and adapting to the new global context. It will consist of a hybrid online streaming event on October 21st & 28th and November 4th, where pre-recorded content will be presented at the end of September with careful post-production in the presence of the speakers who will be able to engage in discussions with the online attendees via chat.
The registration will be opened on September 24th at www.eventoclustersaude.com. You can check all the news and updates at Forum RIES website.