The 2020-2 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom call for proposals opened on 30 June 2020. The deadline to submit your proposal is 5 November 2020.
€1 million in CEF grant funding is available to co-fund projects deploying the CEF eArchiving building block. eArchiving provides technical standards and specifications for preserving, migrating and reusing data securely, while ensuring data integrity and interoperability with other systems.
This funding will focus on domains that need digital preservation services and tools other than national archives, such as digital libraries, justice, finance, environment etc. It will also aim to stimulate the integration of eArchiving tools and services with other CEF building blocks and other digital service infrastructures that can benefit from them.
In addition, the Public Open Data call makes €3 million available in grant funding to projects looking to generate, make accessible and reuse public sector information in a way that creates direct and indirect benefits for EU citizens, businesses and public administrations. Projects looking to generate, disseminate and/or reuse open-access public data are strongly encouraged to do so using existing APIs, such as the CEF Context Broker building block. Context Broker is an API funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) that gathers data from various sources for visualisation and analysis in real-time.
This call is aimed in particular at projects focused on the generation and reuse of datasets in specific domains set out in the Open Data Directive: geospatial, earth observation and environment, meteorological, statistics, companies and company ownership and mobility. Projects focusing on other domains may also be considered if justified.
The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) is the EU agency supporting the European Commission by organising CEF calls for proposals. You can find all the information you need to apply on INEA’s website.
To build a Digital Single Market, the CEF programme funds a set of generic and reusable Digital Service Infrastructures (DSI), also known as Building Blocks. The CEF Building Blocks offer basic capabilities that can be reused in any European project to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders and sectors.