Launch of the 2020 Call for Thematic Workshops for Reference Sites aiming to foster a better connection between demand and supply sides of the active and healthy ageing market, and to prepare the ground for the full deployment of the scaling-up strategy, a cornerstone of the EIP on AHA cycle 2018-2020. Deadline 17/07/2020.
Goals of the workshop
The goals of the thematic workshops are:
- to enable a broad and participative discussion amongst stakeholders involved in the AHA domain around themes of interest for the community of Reference Sites;
- to encourage a better alignment between the Reference Site ecosystems and the stakeholders committed in the Partnership’s Action Groups;
- to advance the uptake of innovative digitally-driven solutions for AHA.
Furthermore, the thematic workshops are envisaged to play a relevant role in the stakeholders’ engagement strategy of the EIP on AHA being considered one of the actions designed by the WE4AHA as part of the Stakeholders Engagement Action Plan.
Topics to be covered
The thematic workshops are supposed to feed the elaboration of views and orientations on the major challenges affecting AHA in the framework of the European Union policy priorities and notably the transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market through:
- showcasing the value of the Partnership in supporting the adoption and scaling up of digital innovation for AHA across the EU,
- providing inputs for the progress of the cross-cutting initiatives embedded under the EIP on AHA – namely Blueprint, I2M and MAFEIP,
- reflecting on ambitions and expectations of the EIP on AHA Partners beyond 2020,
- a good example of an Action Group result being validated or rolled out in a Reference Site regional context,
- main challenges and priorities for regional AHA innovation ecosystems and the added value of being a Reference Site in coping with/implementing those.
Application procedure
Application will be done through an on-line form which is made available through the EIP on AHA Portal.
Candidatures could be single (applied by one Reference Sites) or multiple (applied by a group of Reference Sites). In the second case the financial support will be granted to the organisation which is hosting the workshop
Financial support
The two selected thematic workshops will be granted a lump sum of a maximum 5,000 EUR. Eligible costs will follow the rules as stated in the Horizon 2020 programme. For example, the lump sum could be used to cover the following costs: effort (person-days) for the organisation of the event, catering, fee for speakers, room renting, interpretation services.
However, due the uncertainty of travels and physical meeting/event in the coming months, we are exploring other options in terms of eligible costs.
16/06/2020 – Launch of the call
17/07/2020 – Deadline for submitting applications
31/07/2020 – Announcement of results
August – November 2020 – Workshop organisation
Call documents
For further further information on how to fill out the application form and the selection criteria for the applications, please consult the:
If you have any questions related to the Call for Thematic Workshops 2020, please send an email to we4aha@funka.com. Related action groups: A1 Adherence to prescription, A2 Falls prevention, A3 Lifespan Health Promotion & Prevention of Age Related Frailty and Disease, B3 Integrated care, C2 Independent living solutions, D4 Age friendly environmentsRelevance to partnership: Active ageing and independent living, Care and cure, Horizontal issues and framework conditions, Prevention, screening and early diagnosis
Article Source: https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/news/call-thematic-workshops-reference-sites-2020_en