As you know, the ECHAlliance is a partner in the DigitalHealthEurope (DHE) project. Besides many other interesting and relevant results which we have been previously communicated to you, the project team is now very proud to announce that DHE has delivered recommendations to the European Commission about the future European Health Data Space (EHDS).
DHE has developed 32 concrete proposals for action. They are covering three subjects: regulation, policy, and actions that need further support. The recommendations are wide ranging, including large-scale pilots and an European digital health hub.
We believe that these recommendations are highly relevant for the ECHAlliance and The Digital Health Society members, as collecting, sharing and using health data for developing higher quality, more accessible products, services, advancing medical research and adopting more efficient policies is of common interest to all stakeholders. This can ensure that patients’ needs are more closely met and more favourable health outcomes are produced by robust health and care systems.
This is why we would like to bring this most recent project result to your attention. You can download the EHDS Recommendations from the project website and if you think that the practical ideas resonate with your individual and/or your organisation’s vision about the future health data space, we would like to encourage you to express your support towards the report by pressing the “I support this” button just between the cover image and the Download button.
Looking forward for your support and any further opinions or suggestions on the topic.