The European Commission is launching a call for proposals for a Preparatory Action in the field of Digital Solutions for citizen engagement.Technology can be used to facilitate citizen’s access to, and interactions with, public administrations. The objective of this preparatory action is to set up a network of local ‘laboratories’ to support the development and roll-out of digitally enabled innovative solutions for citizen engagement in policy making and decision making, as well as co-creation and co-delivery of public services at the local level.
Total budget available: EUR 1.000.000.
1-2 proposals will be selected for funding.
Maximum co-financing rate: 75% of the total eligible costs.
Duration of the action: 18 months. Questions regarding the call A live Q&A session is foreseen to take place shortly after the publication of the call on 9 July 2020 at 13h00.
Please contact cnect-h4-pppa-calls@ec.europa.eu if you wish to participate in the Q&A session.
Questions for this call should be sent at the latest on 3 September 2020 to cnect-h4-pppa-calls@ec.europa.eu.
The questions and answers will be published, anonymously, on this page (more information on your personal data).
Related documents
- 1. Call for Proposals
- 2. Grant application form
- 3. Model Grant Agreement
- 4. Estimated budget
- 5. Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss
- 6. Declaration on honour
- 7. Bank Account form
- 8. Legal Entity form (private)
- 9. Legal Entity form (public)
Article Source: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/call-proposals-smart-local-administrations