South-West Oltenia Regional Development Agency, as member of the Enterprise Europe Network Healthcare Sector Group – “EEN SG Healthcare”, invites you to attend the online international matchmaking event Business Meeting ”Biomedica on the move” 2021: Innovative Materials in Life Sciences, organized with the support of the network and its partners in Belgium, Netherlands and Germany, on 25th of May 2021.
The event offers an opportunity to find partners worldwide for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, distribution partnerships, research cooperation, joint ventures, financing, investments in sectors like: healthcare, pharma, new materials and nanotechnology, biotechnology, medical equipment, certification and regulation, testing, analysis, diagnosis.
The matchmaking event will take place during the third edition of the international conference “Biomedica on the Move” and the program will also include four parallel online workshops on issues related to the regulation of medical devices, as well as debates on innovative materials in the Life Sciences.
Participation at the event is free of charge, and the deadline for registration is 25th of May 2021.