BRAINTEASER has started the co-design activities to define the system functionalities to be developed to improve the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)patients’ quality of life, and to support caregivers and health professionals in their daily clinic and practice.
In the past weeks, two specific workshops on the diseases have been performed in order to explore and define the BRAINTEASER stakeholders’ ecosystem, the user’s needs and profiles and the potential clinical use of the project’s technology. The two workshops were opened just to the consortium members. The project’s clinical teams provided relevant feedback and information on the clinical unmet needs, disease course, clinical practice and new emerging research on ALS and MS.
The workshop used a collaborative whiteboard to adopt a brainstorming methodology and participative approach. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, who is leading the BRAINTEASER users and stakeholders needs and concept definition activities, is using the workshops outcomes to design iteratively the overall solution for patients and healthcare professionals that will be periodically refined and validated with stakeholders and end-users. In early June, the consortium has planned an open co-design workshop in which the initial technical solutions will be presented, assessed and refined with an expert panel and with the general public.