Vladimir Urosevic, Research and Development Manager of Belit, represented the BRAINTEASER Consortium at the 12th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Technology ICCE-Berlin 2022 organized by the IEEE Consumer Technology Society.
The Conference has been organised as a part of this year’s IFA Fair, the major trade show for consumer electronics and digital technologies in Berlin, Germany.
Within the Consumer Healthcare 2 Session (S5) on September 5th, Vladimir presented the paper titled “Design and Optimization of REST Services for Performance and Scalability in Provision of Big Environmental Data to Exploratory Analytics of their Effects on Progression of ALS and MS”.
The paper, co-authored by the Belit, UNIPV and UPM development teams, is springing from the joint work and achievements of BRAINTEASER’ action lines dedicated to acquisition, ingestion, storage and management of heterogeneous multidimensional data, including the environmental ones, and the development and deployment of the project’s flow service infrastructure.
The paper presentation has been followed by a few relevant and stimulating questions and short discussion from the audience and the Technical Programme and Session Chairs.
Discover more about BRAINTEASER:
European project for Bringing Artificial Intelligence home for a better care of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis