
Big achievements and announcements: How has Access Elemental started the year off with a bang?

Published on: 31/01/2023

Big achievements and announcements: How has Access Elemental started the year off with a bang?
Digital Health Solutions
Member News

This month’s edition gives a round up of what we have been busy doing at Access Elemental Social Prescribing. We explain how we have published our end of year video showing some of our biggest achievements to motivate us to make 2023 the best year yet. We announce how we are with EMIS to enhance our two-way integrate to make the admin side of social prescribing more effective to improve outcomes further, as well as drop little hints on the plans we have so far for social prescribing day next month.

Just as we mentioned last month we have got a lot of plans for 2023 to prove how and in what ways social prescribing works in different ways for different sectors. 

Our first month of 2023 started us well on that journey. With a month until we celebrate social prescribing day we have made great progress by enhancing our existing platform so our customers can get the best outcomes. 

In this month’s edition we will be updating you all on our biggest achievements of last year and how we have started working hard to continue this progress further for 2023. We also get to share news on the developments we have made with EMIS Health on our two-way-integration. We are then going to share our many plans for social prescribing day and how you can keep up to date with all our activities.

Starting the year with a bang

As we mentioned last month we were ecstatic with the progress we made about informing people what social prescribing is. We wanted to share some of our biggest achievements of last year so wecould use it as motivation to make 2023 the best year yet.

We have created an end of year video to share the progress we made last year across the UK and Ireland, as well as a fantastic customer testimonial from Ben Halshacka, CEO at Merton Connected. In the video Ben explains the positive impacts our social prescribing software has had on their service. 

In the video we highlight the increase in the number of referrals we have recorded compared to 2021 including a percentage increase of  147% alone in England and 163% in Scotland. We also share the impact social prescribing has had on these individuals including 89% of people in Wales experiencing a positive change to their wellbeing after experiencing social prescribing. 

We are thrilled to be able to share the fantastic achievements we have already made and cannot wait to track our progress further to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals across the whole of the UK and Ireland. 

To watch our video visit our Linkedin page, and while you are there follow us to be able to see  more exciting news, customer announcements, and more great content around all things social prescribing. 

Developing our Partnerships:

Our software already integrates with leading clinical systems including: Vision, System One, Rio, Mosaic and EMIS Web. This month we have been able to go one step further and enhance our partnership with EMIS.

Here we have been able to update our features and functionality available on our two-way integration. We will now be able to offer our end-users a free text  functionality to send any additional comments or notes across, additional SNOMED Codes, and the ability to send back attachments. 

Currently the functionality in our integration with EMIS was simple and effective. But as we noticed more and more towards the end of last year social prescribing journeys are becoming more and more complex. 

To accommodate this we needed to ensure we had the features that could help social prescribing link workers and GP practices to be able to share the relevant information and notes to deliver the support needed for all types of social prescribing journeys, including the more complex ones. 

By providing link workers and GPs having the access to send free text back and forth to both systems, patient records can be fully updated about every step of their social prescribing journey, and if an individual has multiple goals, each one can be monitored fully to track their progress. 

This is enhanced even further by being able to send attachments across both systems. This allows link workers or social prescribers to be able to go in plenty of detail in their summary reports about whether social prescribing worked for an individual or not. 

Our final enhancement of additional SNOMED codes also helps to identify how social prescribing journeys are all different and constantly changing. We know at Access Elemental Social Prescribing that not every organisation call their service or program social prescribing, but how even with a different name the same principles apply. 

Here by having additional SNOMED codes GP practices can be aware of who picked up the referral whether it is a health and wellbeing coach, care coordinator, or a link worker.  We will also be able to let link workers send to GP practices what wellbeing tools and scores will be recorded to measure how their patient’s journey with social prescribing is going. 

We are so delighted to be able to offer these new features and functionality soon. In the meantime why not read our article on the best ways to message social prescribing referrals to find out more about our enhancement features within our EMIS integration. 

When these features are available we also want everyone to see how easy they are by showing you all how they work. We’ll soon be hosting a webinar to demo all our new features. So if you want to be one of the first people to find out more details about our upcoming webinar, register your interest now and we cannot wait to see you there. 

Preparing for Social Prescribing Day 2023

As March is fast approaching, so is social prescribing day . We love social prescribing day as it offers us the opportunity to drive extra awareness to what social prescribing is, what it can do, what we have achieved, and what we are planning to achieve in the future. 

Every year it gets bigger and bigger and it has helped social prescribing to continue to grow and develop to become more well-known across the UK and Ireland engaging more sectors to get  involved than just healthcare. 

It is always a great opportunity to share the achievements we have made so far to help secure further funding and show how investing in digital software can help manage and upscale social prescribing services. 

We are planning to get involved in many different events and activities this year to celebrate and continue spreading the word. One of the first events we getting involved in is Southbank Centre’s social prescribing show. Why not book your ticket for the event and be a part of Southbank Centre’s social prescribing show too.

Find out more information about why social prescribing day is important and follow us on our relevant social media channels to get all the latest information and see what we get up to on the day and all the different ways we are going to celebrate. 

January 2023 has been hugely successful for us already at Access Elemental Social Prescribing, and we are looking forward to seeing what we are yet to achieve. 

If there has been anything that you want to find out more about contact us today and we can discuss all things social prescribing and how our social prescribing software can help you get involved and how you can implement social prescribing right. 

Discover more about The Access Group

The Access Group’s Health, Support, Care division offers an eco-system of joined up care solutions to help deliver more person-centred care across health, local government and the social care spectrum.


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