THCS launches its first Joint Transnational Call for proposals aiming to encourage the optimization of patient care pathways and contribute to the transition towards more sustainable, efficient, resilient, ethical, high-quality, and accessible person-centered healthcare systems. More than 30 funding agencies participate with an indicative budget of more than 30 million €.
The European Partnership on Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS) brings the opportunity to coordinate and optimize research and innovation efforts in Europe and its partner countries supporting the much-needed transformation of health and care systems.
Under this umbrella, the first Joint Transnational Call for proposals “Healthcare of the Future” has the ambition to identify and develop innovative solutions that can, in the future, help to relieve the pressure on health and care facilities. To reach this ambition, the complementarity of inpatient and outpatient care, and the coordination between them needs to be optimised.
The goal of this Call is to identify, develop and implement innovative solutions that can inform decision-making and optimise the delivery of health and care services across different settings. These solutions should aim to make health and care systems economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable, while keeping people at the centre of the care process.
In particular, the Call aims:
- To provide the necessary knowledge to build the health and care of the future. This includes addressing several dimensions of health and care systems such as quality, safety, equity, efficiency, effectiveness, accessibility, sustainability, economy, ethics and resilience in reorganised health and care settings. By providing this knowledge, the call aims to support the development of new and innovative solutions that can address the current and future challenges facing health and care systems.
- To support the implementation of innovative solutions on a larger scale. This includes identifying and promoting the adoption and transferability of evidence-based and successful practices that have already been proven to be effective in some contexts in addressing the challenges facing health and care systems. With research and innovation supporting the implementation of these existing solutions, the call aims to accelerate the pace of change and make a positive impact on health and care systems in a more efficient way.