
Andhra Pradesh @ Global Digital Health Summit, Expo & Innovation Awards

Published on: 17/01/2023

Andhra Pradesh @ Global Digital Health Summit, Expo & Innovation Awards
Events, Global Health Connector Partnership

On 28th and 29th October “The Global Digital Health Summit, Expo & Innovation Awards” was held in New Delhi. ECHAlliance, co-hosted the event with the Health Parliament, our great partner within the Global Health Connector Partnership (GHCP). This event gathered more than 1500 attendees from 35 countries.
On his visit to India, Brian O’Connor, Chair of ECHAlliance, was very impressed in particular by the presentation on Andhra Pradesh, by Ms. Vidadala Rajini, Hon’ble Minister for Health, Family Welfare, Medical & Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh. Brian highlighted the practical approach, the determination to implement and the desire to learn from others.

Read an introduction to the Dept of Health, Family Welfare & Medical Education of Andhra Pradesh:

Andhra Pradesh under the leadership of Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri. YS Jagan  Mohan Reddy started taking measures to improve the performance of the  health sector by radically revamping the public health care and preventive  health system through strategic interventions.  

Under Aarogyasri Medical Insurance scheme, we have more than 2200 plus  empaneled network hospitals across the state covering 3200 plus medical  procedures covering 85% of the population in the state. 

We have a strongest grassroot administrative system Grama Ward  Sachivalayam a network of 2.62 Lakh volunteers working across the state.  

These volunteers along with ANM’s, ASHAs & Aarogyamitras will provide  information about network hospitals and Aarogyasri procedures and welfare  schemes of the Government. 

To support the discharge patients during the recovery period by providing  financial assistance of Rs 225 per day up to a maximum of Rs 5000 per month  under Dr. YSR Arogya Asara Scheme. For Aarogyasri and Arogya Asara we are  spending around 3000 Crs. 

Our govt took initiatives in strengthening the Rural health care services by  establishing 10,000 + YSR village clinics and 1100+ Primary Health Centres at  Rural areas to cater the needs of the people. More over 560 UPHCs are being  established to cater the needs of urban population. 

To treat the patient at their door step our govt has recently rolled out Family  Physician Concept which is the – Brain Child Initiative – of our HCM  

The unique feature of the concept is bringing doctor closer to the door step  through 104 MMU services to – ensure their wellbeing and to take timely action  even before she / he becomes a patient.  

The additional advantage of Family Physician Concept is providing – home  based care for – bed ridden and chronically ill patients. 

This decentralized health care transformation is boosting the well-being of  every citizen in the state. 

Our Govt is establishing 17 new Government Medical Colleges in the State with  the budget of Rs.8,500 Cr. Out of this 17 Medical Colleges, 2 Medical Colleges  are exclusively setting up in tribal areas to cater the needs of the tribal  population. Through this, MBBS seats in our State will be increased from 2185 to  4685. 

Not only this, Our Government is committed to strengthen the Existing 11  Medical Colleges and Teaching Hospitals in the State with a budget of Rs.3,820  Cr. Through this, additionally 650 PG seats in Government Medical Colleges will  be sanctioned to our State and total PG seats will be increased from 1045 to  1695.  

We are also setting up 5 Multi speciality hospitals in tribal areas with an amount  of Rs.246 Cr and Super-speciality hospitals, Cancer Hospital & Institute for  Mental Health with an amount of Rs.312 Cr. Through this, we will cover the last  mile connectivity even in far flung tribal areas also 

To encourage private participation in health care sector in our state we are  planning to establish Super/Multi speciality hospitals under health hubs scheme  in 16 municipal corporations across the state. 

Our State took special care in hiring the best-in-class doctors. Never in the  history for the 1st time we have recruited around 46,000 people under various  cadres in our department during the last 3 years to cater the health care needs  of the people. 

To handle the situation, we are also building a very comprehensive cancer  care where the entire continuum of care from prevention to treatment to  palliative and rehab is totally taken care of.  

Andhra Pradesh Health Systems Strengthening Project(APHSSP) which started  in the year 2019 where major emphasis is on technology with focus on use of  technology at PHCs, CHCs which mostly serve the rural population.  

1. Ayushman Bharat Health Account Number – Total Health IDs (ABHA Numbers ) Created till date are 3,37,60,000 which is the Highest Number  in the country  

2. Healthcare Professionals Registry – All Government Doctors (9500) were  registered We completed the registration of 11152 Staff Nurses till now  We then move to registrations of ANMs,MLHPs,Lab Technicians &  Pharmacists as and when provision is made in ABDM Portal for their  Registrations. 

3. Health Facility Registry -13,344 Government Health Facilities were  registered Planning to register all Private Health Facilities using Aarogyasri  and Clinical Establishment Act. 

4. Total Facilities On-Boarded on ABDM :1667 (54 Using e-Hospital Software  and 1613 Using DR.CARE Software) 

5. E Hospital – 12 Govt hospitals, 14 District Hospitals, 28 Area Hospitals, 175  CHCs.

6. Dr. Care 1084 PHCs, 552 UPHCs 

7. Andhra Pradesh stood 1st in health record linkage with a total record  count of 1759686 

Andhra Pradesh has bagged 2 Global awards and 6 National awards in  digitization of health records.


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