Learn more about the newest member to join our global community: . Åland University of Applied Sciences. The University offers around 100 academic courses, lectures and seminars annually. Close cooperation and interaction with those working in the field and the community is essential..
They offer a Health and Caring Sciences Programme aims to provide high-quality theoretical and practical nursing competence. It emphasizes a caring, quality-conscious and professional approach to the practice of nursing. The programme leads to a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, which qualifies you to work as a nurse in Finland or within the European Union. We also aim at focusing more on digital health aspects in close cooperation with the local government of Åland islands and the ÅHS (https://www.ahs.ax/) that is taking care of the social and healthcare matters on Åland islands.
Their network consist of healthcare experts and staff from the health- and social care as well as political decision makers and administrative officials. In a broad sense one could say they represent a regional ecosystem. They will look into the the possibilities how we together can foster and develop digital healthcare on Åland island looking for bench marking partners as well as cooperation possibilities Europe wide.
Aland University of Applied Sciences is looking to find good partners and examples of how other health care Eco-systems have been working and to team up with European actors in certain areas. A first one will be in the field of how to organise digital tools for healthcare regionally n an efficient and customer friendly way.