Pr. Yves Joanette, Director of the Digital Health Consortium at Université de Montréal, along with two digital health researchers with impressive scientific backgrounds and the special advisor in digital health at FRQS (Quebec health research fund) will attend the next Regional Leaders Summit (RLS) Sciences >>> from September 18 to 21, 2022 in Herrsching, Bavaria. This meeting of the RLS will be the first to allow a seven regional governments group to discuss on Digital Health.
This delegation will illustrate Quebec’s strengths in digital health and will participate to better support scientific research between regions, generate academic, scientific and technological exchanges and launch new multilateral research projects.
A collaboration of the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) and the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FQRNT).
TheRLS Sciences >>> brings together seven regional governments: Bavaria (Germany), Georgia (United States), Quebec (Canada), São Paulo (Brazil), Shandong (China), Upper Austria (Austria) and Western Cape (South Africa) under five research streams: RLS-Energy Network, RLS-Expert Dialogue on Digitalization, RLS-Global Aerospace Campus, RLS-Small Satellites, and the new RLS-Digital Health.
Discover more about the Consortium Santé Numérique:
The Consortium Santé Numérique strengthens research and training in digital health in the Université de Montréal ecosystem.