Campania approach to share the opportunities provided by EU_SHAFE Interreg project has been implemented in the framework of the EIP on AHA Campania Reference Site, and builds on the solid foundations of the ProMIS regional network for Health Innovation. Since November 2019 this approach has been supporting a progressive engagement of the stakeholders of the quadruple helix of innovation in the region:
- Health System
- Non profit organizations
- Research
- Industry.
The first step has been the involvement of the Regional Office for Unitary Planning, for its strategic role in the regional development strategies.
The first meeting was held on the 25th of November 2019, in the framework of the ProMIS regional Group for Integrated Care. During the meeting, the main contents of EU_SHAFE projects were shared, with experts from Unitary Planning, Regional Referents for Health Promotion and Local Health Agencies. Participants had the opportunity to find out about the EU_SHAFE project and contributed to identify the emerging synergies with other projects ongoing in Campania, focusing on integrated service provision. The focus was on Campania internal areas with the objective of improving health equity by scaling up innovative approaches.
The second opportunity for Campania stakeholders to progress EU_SHAFE collaborative work was during Campania Reference Site-ProMIS workshop: “One Health approach to innovation in Campania”, held on the 13th of December 2019. The workshop highlighted the emerging directories for health innovation in Campania, focusing on a person-cantered model for the large-scale adoption of innovative good practices. Participants agreed that the digital transformation of health and care represents an enabler to transform social and health challenges such as population ageing and health gaps into an opportunity for sustainable development and is therefore one of the priority areas of intervention for regional investments aimed at filling infrastructure gaps and the digital divide.
The third meeting focusing on the synergies stimulated by EU_SHAFE was held on 13th February 2020. The meeting was also attended by Natalia Allegretti of ECHAlliance, in her role of EU_SHAFE dissemination and communication manager, who presented the importance of the awareness creation actions to promote the project objectives, key stakeholders engagement and uptake of project’s results and outcomes.
During the meeting, participants discussed how unitary planning also includes the objective of reducing health inequalities in internal areas (defined with respect to the formulation of essential services), being difficult to reach territories where the population is mostly elderly. Campania has decided to implement the PERSSILAA project scale-up through living labs in the communities, as per regional guidelines for health promotion. The project also foresees the adoption of services at rural pharmacies with resources financed by the stability law. In addition, community nurses were included in the local health agencies of Avellino and Salerno.
Participants agree on the difficulty in transforming the results of European projects into services dedicated to responding to the health needs of the population. A key challenge is also planning the medium and long-term sustainability of the projects, ensuring their financial stability through coherent planning.
The Covid-19 emergency highlighted the need to speed up the digital transformation of health and care: the meeting held on 6th June 2020, focused on Caserta province, thanks to the strong engagement of the local health agency and to Caserta hospital. Their involvement ensures a focus on hospital-territory service integration, further aligning EU_SHAFE strategy to the efforts carried out in the Vigour project for integrated care.
Further meetings are planned in the Fall, to strengthen engagement along the quadruple helix.
Want to know more about the project? Keep up to date by following it on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn on its website.