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Reaching for the Clouds – can the EHDS deliver on its high ambitions?

22 Oct 2024
The Digital Health Society hosted a session at the European Health Forum Gastein titled “Reaching for the Clouds – can the EHDS deliver on its high am...

Join Us in Celebrating Champions of Human-Centric Data!

5 Sep 2024
Our friends at MyData Global are launching the MyData Awards!

Helping prevent sudden cardiac arrest in young athletes with AI

5 Sep 2024
1. Amazon's machine learning team include that this team created a first-of-its-kind ML solution capable of identifying SCA risk in pediatric screenin...

Catch Up on the XpanDH Webinar: Key Insights on Integrating Medical Devices and Wellness Apps with EHRs

20 Aug 2024
On July 23, XpanDH hosted a crucial webinar titled “Integrating Medical Devices, Wellness Applications, and EHRs: What is the Role of the European EHR...

Preliminary Market Consultation for the Construction of an Open Health Platform in Catalonia

15 Aug 2024
On July 23rd, the Catalan health system published a preliminary market consultation on the construction of an open health platform. The presentation o...

Envisioning seamless sharing of digital meds data in Wales

24 Jul 2024
Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) is embarking on the creation of a shared medicines record for the whole of the country. The Digital Medicines Tra...

Join the Breathe Green Movement: Restoring the Amazon

22 Jul 2024
Breathe Green is leading a reforestation project in the Amazon to counteract the devastating effects of illegal mining and reckless oil extraction. By...

X Meetup Digital Health Portugal Health 4.0: Sustainability and Humanization with AI, Robotics and Telehealth

4 Jul 2024
The X Digital Health Meetup occured on the 27th and 28th of june at the CCG/ZGDV Institute in Guimarães. Digital Health Portugal gathered digital heal...

Better EHR Studio 3.9 comes with powerful new features and functionalities

3 Jul 2024
The Better EHR Studio version 3.9 is here, and it brings significant improvements to the content-building process, making it even faster and more intu...

New chatbot research highlights service benefits of Ask Anxia

2 Jul 2024
Implementation of Anxiety UK’s Ask Anxia Chatbot Service: Lessons Learned

Leveraging Maps and Data for a Healthier World: Highlights from the Europe-India Digital Health Week

2 Jul 2024
In their latest initiative, Health Data Forum are placing the spotlight on the critical topic of "Data First, AI Later." Their objective is to bring t...

Green Departments: Environmental commitment of all clinical departments in a public hospital in Galicia (Spain)

2 Jul 2024
Unmet need: There was no plan for the involvement of healthcare services in sustainability.

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