
4P-CAN Launches New Website to Drive Personalized Cancer Primary Prevention Research

Published on: 18/07/2023

4P-CAN Launches New Website to Drive Personalized Cancer Primary Prevention Research
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 4PCAN project’s new website, a pivotal development in the field of Personalised CANcer Primary Prevention research.

4P-CAN, a European-funded Horizon project, is proud to announce the launch of its new website, marking a significant milestone in the field of Personalised Cancer Primary Prevention research.

4P-CAN (Personalised CANcer Primary Prevention research through Citizen Participation and digitally-enabled social innovation) is a European-funded Horizon project aimed at revolutionizing cancer prevention strategies through personalized approaches and citizen participation. With a focus on risk factors and healthy behaviours, 4P-CAN conducts research in Eastern European countries to gather evidence and develop effective prevention measures.

The newly launched website, accessible at, serves as an online hub for the project, providing comprehensive information and resources to both the scientific community and the general public. Over the course of four years, 4-PCAN will undertake extensive research to identify barriers to the adoption of cancer primary prevention measures, with a specific emphasis on risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, excess body weight, HPV and HBV infections (preventable through vaccination), and environmental pollution.

With a particular focus on countries in Eastern Europe, including Romania, Bulgaria, the Republic of Moldova, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Ukraine, the project aims to gather vital evidence concerning individual adherence to healthy behaviours. By understanding the unique challenges faced by these regions.

Through its website, 4P-CAN invites visitors to explore the project’s background and mission and ongoing initiatives such as the Education Academy and Cancer Mission Cluster. The website will later provide valuable resources, including scientific publications and policy briefs when they become available. In addition, the website serves as a channel for engaging with stakeholders and fostering collaboration, enabling visitors to contribute to the collective effort of tackling cancer through primary prevention.

ECHAlliance is in charge of the development and implementation of a strategy for the dissemination, evaluation, education, and communication of 4P-CAN results. Leader of the Work Package 7, its tasks include executing actions related to communications and dissemination, outreach and stakeholder engagement, as well as concentration activities.

For more information on the 4P-CAN project, please visit the project’s social media platforms on LinkedIn and Twitter.


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