Dear all,
The past year has been a record-breaking year for the ECHAlliance Group. Our decision to expand in a planned and methodical way in the face of the pandemic has proven to be the right one. This is illustrated by the significant increase in membership, the number of ecosystems, projects and partnerships.
As we mentioned previously, we view every crisis as an opportunity. However, realising that opportunity requires planning and, above all, implementation – the emphasis is on taking action. It also requires investment in the infrastructure to support and sustain our continued expansion. Our Executive Team leads a group of 35 experts who all operate virtually to implement our action plan. We have over 75 Ecosystem Coordinators, four Ambassadors and, of course, the directors of both the Digital Health Society and ECHAlliance.
In addition, we have grown our community to 23,000 and our membership to over 1,000. We have created a highly effective communications plan through our newsletters and social media presence. This has proven to be a real attractor for our members and partners.
Join us to Connect, Convene, Amplify and Accelerate!