The Gatekeeper 1st Open Call closed on February 28th, 2021. In total, 114 proposals were received, addressing the 6 challenges, with applicants from 23 countries across the world. were submitted through the Online platform. More detailed information about the 1st Open Call are published on the project web site.
We warmly thank all applicants for their interest and participation in our 1st Open Call, which make it a success of participation!
26 external experts performed an independent evaluation of proposal across the evaluation criteria defined in the call and ranked the proposals accordingly. The evaluation was completed and reported to the project on the last week of March 2021. We would like to thank the evaluators for their tremendous effort over these weeks.
Having completed the evaluation, we are pleased to inform the top 11 list to be candidate for funding and incorporation into the GATEKEEPER project:

The results of the call are as follows:
1. Number of proposals received by country:

2. Number of proposals received by challenge:

3. Number of proposals received per type of organisation: