Call For Participation
The European Federation for Medical Informatics and the Chinese Medical Informatics Association supported by the European Society of Emergency Medicine, the Joint Institute for Innovation Policy, and the ECHAlliance join forces to arrange the 1st EU-China Health Summit, which will be held on August 25th, 2019 in Lyon, in conjunction with the 17th World Congress of Medical and Health Informatics (MedInfo 2019).
ECHAlliance members are invited to participate and contribute to the ground work for the blueprint of a joint mission that will assert the role of health informatics in aging societies hampered by comorbidities:
- Share your experience with EU-China cooperation in research and innovation programs in aging
- Develop new research and innovation partnerships to tackle shared challenges in aging societies
- Participate in policy dialogue and influence priority areas for research and innovation weighing in the vision document for a blueprint for a joint mission-oriented research program on aging.
Poster proposals can be submitted by the 30th of June. Proposals are expected to demonstrate how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning supported by standards, policies, and FAIR data can address the following topics:
- nursing homes and assisted living, connecting health and social care
- drug development and the convergence between Western (population/evidence based) and Chinese Traditional Medicine (individualized)
- medical equipment and software technology for the care continuum, prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation
- Tackling the challenge of increasing geriatric patients in emergency departments.
Selected posters will be pitched at the Summit.
Please register and get more information here.