The ADRION Programme is pleased to launch its Third Calls for Proposals on Priority Axis 1 – Innovation (Smart Region) and Priority Axis 3 – Transport (Connected Region).
The Call Announcement on Priority Axis 1 will be opened from 20th May to 29th July at 15:00 (CET) and will target two topics:
- Topic 1: Blue Growth on Smart Specialization Strategy (S3)
- Topic 2: Social Innovation
The Call Announcement on Priority Axis 3 will be opened from 22th May to 31st July at 15:00 (CET) and will target two topics:
- Topic 1: Maritime Transport
- Topic 2: City Transport
In the framework of each call announcement, a project proposal must indicate only one topic. The missing indication of the topic will bring to the exclusion of the project proposal (eligibility criterion).
For more information on possible actions, beneficiaries and target groups, please refer to the relevant Call Announcemement and Programme Manual.
On Priority Axis 1, the indicative financial allocation for each topic is about 3,2 MIL(ERDF + IPA + national co-financing).
On Priority Axis 3, the indicative financial allocation for each topic is about 3,7 MIL (ERDF + IPA + national co-financing).
For the current call for proposals the submission procedure consists of two main parts: a full Application Form, to be filled in and validated, and several annexes (including Declarations) being compulsory. The application shall be submitted electronically through the eMS system