In order to shed light on the new normal of e-Health and our annual conference topic ”e-Health in a Lifecycle”, we’re organizing a pre-conference with frontrunning Nordic e-Health topics and professionals. The event isn´t about lecturing or presentations, our Pre-Event is about insightful interviews and interactive discussions about e.g. e-Health that is accessible for all, role of citizens in the e-Health solutions development and, of course, the highlights of Nordic Health.
We are looking forward to Brian O’Connor session at the event.
This event is a pre-event empowering our annual national and international STeHS Conference. This Pre-Event is a great opportunity for our keynote people, event participants, our STeHS board as well as the STeHS 2021 -conference organizers from Oulu (University of Oulu, City of Oulu, University Hospital of Oulu) to get to know each other already at this point.
The webinar is of interactive nature and we encourage our participants for active attendance. Join the webinar and make it yours!
Webinar on Tuesday, 1st June 2021:
ECHAlliance The Global Health Connector: Connecting the dots between people, knowledge and innovation
Connected Health Alliance CIC, NISP Innovation Centre, Queen’s Road, Queen’s Island, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT3 9DT
ECHAlliance CLG, 20 Harcourt Street Dublin, D02H364, Ireland