Tid: Torsdag den 16. august 2018, kl. 12 – 17.
Sted: Syddansk Sundhedsinnovation, Forskerparken 10 G, 5230 Odense M.
Pris: kr. 400,00; for studerende kr. 100,00 – henvend dig til Gitte Stage Løff for at tilmelde dig.
Målgruppe: Producenter og udviklere af telemedicinske løsninger, Patientforeninger, personer med interesse for arbejdet med patientsikkerhed og det nære sundhedsvæsen, ledere og fagligt personale i sundhedsvæsenet med interesse for eller involveret i telemedinske ydelser.
Tilmeld dig ved at klikke på dette link senest den 2.8.2018
MEET the key note speakers Prof. Jeffrey Braithwaite, Australia andProf. Erik Hollnagel, Denmark
Telemedicine in health careTelemedicin is rapidly spreading in health care. Yet, health care seems to be in a love-hate relationship with telemedical devices and changes in working processes. Advocates for telemedicine emphasize its potential to facilitate doctor-patient encounters and follow-up because it can bridge geographical distances and increase accessibility. Opponents of telemedicine point out that both face to face interaction and confidential dialogue between health care personnel and patient, as well as professional decision-making and treatment by health care practitioners are at risk. RESILIENT Health Care has brought important new impulses, tools and methods to patient safety, such as Safety-II, resilient potentials and the Functional Resonance Analysis Method. In this seminar, we will explore safety issues from a resilient health care perspective with a focus on work processes and everyday behaviors. PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN about principles and methods of Resilient Health Care, Efficiency-Thoroughness Trade-off and how resilience engineering can contribute to the safety of telemedicine. We present examples from Denmark and Australia, a country where telemedicine is a necessity. — Resilience is an expression of how people, alone or together cope with everyday situations – large and small – by adjusting their performance to the conditions. An organisation´s performance is resilient if it can function as required under expected and unexpected conditions alike (changes/disturbances/opportunities). (Hollnagel, 2018) ECHAlliance members wishing to attend should contact |
ECHAlliance The Global Health Connector: Connecting the dots between people, knowledge and innovation
Connected Health Alliance CIC, NISP Innovation Centre, Queen’s Road, Queen’s Island, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT3 9DT
ECHAlliance CLG, 20 Harcourt Street Dublin, D02H364, Ireland