PROGRESSIVE Final Conference

PROGRESSIVE Final Conference

Starts at:

Thursday, 31 January 2019 - 00:00

Ends at:​

Thursday, 31 January 2019 - 23:59

PROGRESSIVE Final Conference

Join us at the second CEN-CENELEC STAIR-AHA meeting, which will take place on January 31st, 2019 in Brussels. The meeting will also be the culmination and final event of the PROGRESSIVE project.  Willeke van Staalduinen will talk about Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments and other smart AHA developments, the Thematic Network SHAFE project and the new project SmartWorkEU. The meeting will debate on how the “change of mindsets” that PROGRESSIVE aims to bring about, i.e. the effective inclusion of older people in the standards development process, can be promoted and put into practice in the future, so that standards that underpin ICT products and services address the needs and challenges of older people and so that those products and services can support active and healthy lifestyles. The focus of the meeting will be primarily on:
  • Age-friendly communities as enablers of active and healthy ageing, incl. a look at the WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities and the PROGRESSIVE Guidelines for Standards around ICT for AHA and Age-friendly Communities.
  • Age-friendly smart homes, focusing on technology as a tool for independent living, the PROGRESSIVE Guidelines for Standards around ICT for AHA for Smart Homes that are Age-friendly, and a new European certification scheme for ageing-in-place.
  • Inclusiveness in standardisation, with accessibility and usability as a use case, looking at the new European Accessibility Act which is improving the accessibility of products and services in the single market, and an assessment of the “Design for All Protocol” in European standardisation projects.
  • Actions to promote user co-production in standardisation and presentation of an official PROGRESSIVE and STAIR-AHA statement and policy guideline for a new approach to AHA standards engaging end users.
See full agenda below or download it here. Register for free, or contact info@progressivestandards.org for more information and participation in this final PROGRESSIVE event and 2nd CEN-CENELEC STAIR-AHA meeting.

PROGRESSIVE Final Conference


2nd CEN/CENELEC STAIR-AHA Platform Meeting

A new approach to AHA standards engaging end-users

  Date: January 31st, 2019 Venue: VBO/FEB (Federation of Enterprises in Belgium), Rue Ravenstein 4, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Registration (free): https://gestionnormalizacion.typeform.com/to/hOno9S Agenda: 9:30     Registration and welcome coffee 10:00   Welcome and opening remarks Malcolm Fisk, De Montfort University, Coordinator of PROGRESSIVE 10:15   Age-friendly communities as enablers of Active and Healthy Ageing
  • WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities: lessons learned in Spain Miguel Ángel Valero, Director of Ceapat, Imserso (Spain)
  • Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments and other smart AHA developments Willeke van Staalduinen, Co-founder of AFEdemy, Coordinator of SHAFE Thematic Network, Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra, SmartWork project
  • Smart cities and communities standardisation to meet citizen and consumer requirements. Nikolaos Floratos, ANEC representative, ETSI STF 561
  • Guidelines for Standards around ICT for AHA for Age Friendly Communities. Roberto Scano, UNINFO, PROGRESSIVE
  • Discussion Moderator: Malcolm Fisk, De Montfort University, Coordinator of PROGRESSIVE
11:15   Coffee break 11:45   Inclusiveness in standardisation. Accessibility and usability as a use case.
  • The European Accessibility Act. Improving the accessibility of products and services in the single market Inmaculada Placencia, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission, DG EMPL
  • Assessment on the need of addressing accessibility following a Design for All approach in European standardisation projects. Tools: The “Protocol” Elizabeth O’Ferrall, NSAI, Task Groups Coordinator Mandate M/473 “Design for All” project at CEN/CENELEC
  • Inclusion as a horizontal requirement. Involving end users in the researches for next generation standards and legislation Susanna Laurin, CEO, Funka
  • Discussion Moderator: Fernando Machicado, UNE, PROGRESSIVE
12:35   Networking lunch 13:35   Age-friendly smart homes
  • Age-friendly smart homes: technology as a tool for independent life Julia Wadoux, Policy Coordinator for Health, ICT and Accessibility, AGE Platform Europe
  • Towards a European certification scheme for ageing in place Anne-Claire Bruant, European Construction Technology Platform, Homes4Life project
  • Draft Guidelines for Standards around ICT for AHA for smart Homes that are Age-Friendly Ms. Lydia Vogt, Project Manager, DIN, PROGRESSIVE
  • Discussion Moderator: Frederic Lievens, Lievens-Lanckman & Telehealth Quality Group, PROGRESSIVE
14:40   Coffee break 15:00   Actions to promote user co-production in standardisation. STAIR-AHA statement
  • Discussion Moderators: Malcolm Fisk, De Montfort University, Coordinator of PROGRESSIVE and Fernando Machicado, UNE, PROGRESSIVE
16:00   End of the meeting


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