Launch of the Sri Lanka Connected Health Alliance Ecosystem

Launch of the Sri Lanka Connected Health Alliance Ecosystem

Starts at:

Wednesday, 16 October 2019 - 23:00

Ends at:​

Thursday, 17 October 2019 - 22:59

Launch of the Sri Lanka Connected Health Alliance Ecosystem

  ECHAlliance agreed a Partnership with the Commonwealth Centre for Digital Health and agreed a number of actions. It was agreed that together we would create a number of Ecosystems in selected countries in the Commonwealth. Our first such Ecosystem opened in Malta (A European and a Commonwealth Country) earlier this year. Now we are launching the Sri Lanka Ecosystem, see below, and in November, the Victoria Ecosystem, Melbourne, Australia. They will join our International Network and provide opportunities for  our Members. ECHAlliance members wishing to attend should contact heather@echalliance.com  


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