Kuopio Health Insights 2024

Kuopio Health Insights 2024

Starts at:

Tuesday, 13 August 2024 - 08:00

Ends at:​

Wednesday, 14 August 2024 - 19:00

Event Location:

Ecosystem Event

Kuopio Health Insights 2024 (KHI 2024) is about experiencing firsthand how a relatively small yet incredibly dedicated and collaborative ecosystem has blossomed into a powerful, data-driven innovation magnet within the health and wellbeing sector in Finland – and how it is leading the digital health transformation and creating positive health outcomes for people in Finland and beyond. Kuopio Health Insights 2024 will focus on Pharma Development and Digital Health. This two-day event will take place on 13.-14.8 at Kuopio Music Centre.

Kuopio Health is backed by multi-disciplinary and trusted private and public organisations with high competence in business, international expertise, R&D and research excellence.

At Kuopio Health Insights 2024 you will meet many of the region’s key players. Our cooperative innovation ecosystem provides access to data, knowledge, projects and capabilities within our network, allowing participants to forge valuable partnerships, find new insights, and bridge any of the typical barriers that tend to block progress.


Tuesday 13.8.

12.00-12.30 Registration
Session: Pharma and Vaccine Development
12.30-12.35 Welcome, Chair of the session, Ville Kainu, Pfizer
12.35-12.55 From concept to preventing disease, Ville Kainu, Pfizer
12.55-13.15 Studying vaccines in Finland: the building blocks for excellence, Ilkka Haukijärvi, FVR – Finnish Vaccine Research | Suomen rokotetutkimus
13.15-13.35 Maarit Merla, Drug Development Centre
13.35-14.10 Coffee break & Networking
14.10-14.20 Post-approval manufacturing of viral vector products, Janne Weisell, FinVector Oy
14.20-14.40 Prateek Singh, Finnadvance OY
14.40-15.10 Panel discussion, Moderator Minna Hendolin (Director of Impact, University of Eastern Finland), Panelists; Maarit Merla (Drug Development Centre), Juha Töyräs (Director of Research and Innovation, Wellbeing Services County of North Savo), Mikko Turunen (Chief Scientific Officer, RNatives), Antti Nurmi (General Manager, Charles River Laboratories)
15.10-15.15 Closing the session
16.15-18.15 Kallavesi cruise on m/s Queen R, departure from Kuopio Passenger Port (Kuopion Matkustajasatama)

Wednesday 14.8.

8.30-9.00 Registration
9.00-09.20 Opening speech: Revolutionizing the Future of the Finnish Health and Wellbeing Sector – Paradigm Shift to Prevention and Utilization of Technology, Data, and AI, Päivi Sillanaukee, Ministry for Social Affairs and Health
Session 1: Health Data & Analysis
09.20-9.35 Welcome and Kuopio Health introduction, Chair of the session Erkki Soini, ESiOR Oy
09.35-09.55 European development of health data spaces: Impacts of EHDS and other regulation to primary and secondary use of health data, Markus Kalliola, Sitra
09.55-10.15 Cost-Effectiveness of Prevention: Alzheimer’s Disease and Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer, Erkki Soini, ESiOR Oy
10.15-10.35 CleverHealth Network, Miikka Korja, HUS
10.35-11.05 Coffee break & Networking
11.05-11.25 Unilab&CGI-AI in identifying sleep apnea, Henri Korkalainen, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio University Hospital
11.25-11.45 Jukka Tapaninen, Aiforia Technologies Oyj
11.45-12.15 Panel discussion, Moderator Erkki Soini, Panelists; Janne Martikainen (Professor, UEF House of Effectiveness), Markus Kalliola (Sitra), Miikka Korja (HUS), Lauri Kuronen (CEO at VEIL.AI Denmark ApS)
12.15-13.30 Lunch
Session 2: Digital & Industrial Solutions
13.30-13.40 Welcome, Chair of the session Ville Koiste, Chief Value Officer & Founder, Gesund Partners Oy
13.40-14.00 Eeva Salminen, Business Finland
14.00-14.20 Emerging technologies in digital health, Arash Hajikhani, VTT
14.20-14.40 Medical Research Center Kuopio, Ville Leinonen, University of Eastern Finland
14.40-15.05 Coffee break & Networking
15.05-15.25 Utilizing Modern Software Technologies for Medical Devices: Best Practices for Compliance, Tuomas Granlund, Solita Oy
15.25-15.45 Modular & data driven digital services for efficient social- and health-care, Johannes Holvitie, Oiva Health Oy
15.45-16.15 Panel discussion, Moderator Ville Koiste, Panelists; Eeva Salminen (Senior Director at Business Finland), Arash Hajikhani (VTT), Tuukka Eloranta (CEO, Medikro Oy), Paulus Carpelan (CEO and co-founder, Adamant Health Oy)
16.15-16.25 Closing the event, Erkki Soini
18.30-21.00 Dinner at Luoto Kuopio


10.00-16.30 HealthHub Finland EDIH pop-up clinic, Valokabinetti

Book your appointment at the clinic


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